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The Journey

In 2019 my life changed forever. I gave birth to an AMAZING baby boy, Omari Aspen. I had worked at multiple gyms since 2015 and found that my calling was to be a trainer. When I had my son, I ended up quitting my job and devoting my full time to him. 1 month into being a stay at home mom, I quickly realized that as much as I love being a mom, I left a side of me behind. I felt that, although being a mom is challenging enough, I had to pursue my purpose. 


With the incredible support of my husband, I bough a few things on Amazon, loaded up my trunk, and put my baby in the back seat. I placed an ad on YELP and quickly started getting a few clients to train either in their home or at the park. My son was with me every step of the way and its because of him that this business even started! 


I knew eventually I'd have an active toddler who'd need more of my attention so I figured out a way to still pursue my passion for changing people's lives, ONLINE TRAINING. I have dedicated much time to this, creating hundreds of videos, and through trial and error have found a way to be a full time mom while helping people gain their own strength!


I know life is challenging, but if your are dedicated to something, you'll achieve it! Hard work always pays off, sometimes in unexpected ways. I want my story to inspire you. Go after your goals, chase your dreams, and don't wait until the "right time"
to come. I started my business at the most hectic time of my life and its been the most amazing journey!

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